Wednesday, June 16, 2010

what does worse look like?

Yesterday when Ellie was no longer able to speak, lying in bed drooling, just pretty much staring, I asked the resident exactly what "worse" would look like?  Unconsiousness?  Then last night she had a seizure and Thom thought perhaps that was what "worse" looked like.  We are still waiting for MRI and followed by pressure study.  There was talk of doing it yesterday but some emergency surgeries/MRIs came up and bumped us (which I am quite sure we have done to others before.)  Not many other changes at this point, Ellie continues to have a lot of difficulty talking and is back to drooling a lot (although Thom thinks this may be more due to exhaustion than anything else.)  Endocrinology thinks that perhaps the part of Ellie's hypothalamus that controls body temperature regulation may have been taken during surgery and the part that was telling her body to lose the salt (aka cerebral salt wasting).  Which would explain the low body temperature, cold/clammy feel, and dehydration, but not really any of the other symptoms. 

I have often wondered why someone would chose the medical profession, I just do not have the patience for it.  Then during one of our hospital stays, Ellie was working with Physical Therapy to  relearn how to walk up the stairs.  Two of the nurses we had previously looked on and they were as enthusiastic as we were about Ellie walking again.  I had this moment of really getting that this was why someone might choose to go into the medical field, the reward and excitement of watching someone improve.

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