Wednesday, June 2, 2010

a better day...

[caption id="attachment_2597" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Before Ben was a man..."][/caption]

Ben had such a good time with our great friends, Cynthia and Caitlyn yesterday that they asked for a repeat this afternoon!  Cynthia told me lots of Ben/Caitlyn stories from yesterday.  About how when they did have disagreements, they were finding ways to work them out.  Caitlyn had a Little Gym class, which Ben watched with Cynthia.  He was amazed because there was a baby there named Ben.  He kept rubbing the baby's head and telling the others that this is what I do to put him to sleep every night.  Even when he was a baby the old head rub is what would send him off to sleepy time when nothing else worked.  He told everyone that when our baby is born, he is going to rub the baby's head to help him/her get to sleep (sort of practice runs with any babies he sees now.)  Then this morning, as we were riding the elevator, Ben sort of put one arm up on the side of the elevator with his leg crossed.  When we stopped by guest depot to get him a bracelet for sibling care, he told the woman working there that today he is a man.  Not exactly sure what that means, but he seemed pleased with himself. 

Yesterday we had a lovely visit with both Brittany and Ellie's teachers from last year, Ms. Zwart and Ms. Mack. AND they brought home made chocolate chip cookes, which during our last stay, I think Thom sustained himself for several days on Ms. Zwart cookes.  Then today at lunchtime we had a visit from Esther (who for some reason, Ben is calling "Jennifer" right now.) 

At one point, a young resident stopped by and I requested that we move the breathing treatment from every 2 hours to every 4 hours, as had been discussed with me the day before.  He told me he was going to get on it.  I should have known that residents do not have the authority to make such promises, only higher ups like the attending can do that.  So, yes, we are still on every 2 hours.  But we have decided that we are going to on having a pma (positive mental attitude) about the breathing treatments which will make the whole experience easier for both of us.  We are down from having to do 2 different, but equally annoying, treatments to 1 treatment type each time.  As my wise, sister-in-law, Sara, pointed out, Ellie oftentimes does not remember much from her hospital stays.  Ellie was able to have her "turban" or head bandage removed today much to her delight.  And she seems to be feeling less nauseated today than she did yesterday.  Her sodium and potassium keep jumping around on us, so we have been keeping a sharp eye and responding accordingly.  Oh yeah and she did have a pretty good night's sleep, so she looks a little less haunted today.  Right now, Ellie keeps looking like she is going to fall asleep, and then any noise in the room or outside the room makes her eyes pop right back open.

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