Monday, June 7, 2010

Lefty leany

Yes we are still here in the hospital.  And yes we are a bit grumpy about it.  Ellie's sodium continues to be on the rise, even though we have increased the amount of water we give her (more water should equal less sodium and vice versa).  We had been able to get the sodium down to 150 (average range 135-145), then she started elevating again this morning to 152.  Also, 2 days ago Ellie started to lean to the left when walking.  that progressed to leaning to the left even when laying in the bed and having difficulty sitting up because of the leaning issue.  There was talk of us going home today or tomorrow and I have said that I do not feel comfortable taking her home with the leaning issue.  I mean we have taken her home before when she has not been able to walk, but it was always an issue of regaining strength.  My concern is that she could easily fall and injure herself, particularly when she is unable to even sit up without falling over.  No one seems to have any idea why she would be leaning.  Our neurosurgeon thinks it may be to little steroids.  Physical Therapy thinks maybe she needs to wear her shoes.  Endocrinology just stopped in and they think the whole steroid idea helping with CNS issues is something that we do not fully understand yet.  Nobody really knows what to do.  I have requested a neurological evaluation just to rule that out out.  Because I cannot imagine going home with the issue this severe without us immediately coming back.  I tried googling "leaning to the left" but mostly came up with political websites.  Even searching for neurological leaning to the left did not produce much.  So that is where we are today.  More questions than answers.

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