Thursday, June 3, 2010

And now back to my toe....

Here  I thought I was getting soooo sooo boring droning on and on about my hurty fourth toe.  But I have received 3 e-mails inquiring about how my tiny toe is doing.  Little did I know it had such a fan base.  I hurt it by running into the cedar chest in our bedroom.  Which did not seem that unusual as at this point in pregnancy, everything but everything seems to be getting smaller.  The toe is doing so much better, less swollen and less purplish now.  Still working on keeping my weight off of it, because it continues to be somewhat sore, even after a week.   Often around the hospital I have been utilizing the numerous wheelchairs available.   

Today I was all ready to pull out my inner Carol Burnette mom to get these breathing treatments up to every 4 hours.  I was preparing myself, imaging what I would say, the stance I would take, etc.  Then much to my surprise, I came in this morning and NO MORE BREATHING TREATMENTS!!!!  Not only that, but the big old nose breathing thingy is out!  Ellie is feeling jilled today and just keeps smiling.  And smiling.  And telling everyone how jilled she feels.  It is so much easier for her to talk and smile without the huge nose thingy and tubes emanating from it.  Yesterday we were doing breathing treatments every 2 hours and Ellie was bugged by the nose tubes and the head bandage.  Ellie would say to me, "I want all of these things off!!!"  And then the struggle with the breathing treatments (they seemed more like non-breathing treatments, because usually Ellie would hold her breath, she was so scared).  At one point during a breathing treatment, one single tear rolled down Ellie's cheek.  It felt like I was in a movie, it was so dramatic.  Fortunately, Brittany was with us so she could take over encouraging Ellie as I wept quietly.   What a difference a day makes.

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