Sunday, June 20, 2010

A little bit bedder...

[caption id="attachment_2685" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Ellie"][/caption]

One of Ellie's jokes during her hospital stays has been "I am bedder", pointing to her bed.  Which she discovered after discharge once, that the joke doesn't really work unless you are in fact in bed.  Ellie is better able to communicate today than she has been for awhile.  She is still somewhat difficult to understand, but at least she can form the words now and responds as she typically would.  Her sodium has been back in the normal level.  We lowered her anti-seizure meds because the neurologist was saying how the medication can have a sedative effect.  And now Ellie has been awake almost the entire day.  She is still pretty weak, but was able to get up and take a brisk walk with the nurses to the end of the hall.  She was feeling very uncomfortable being upright again, and sort of sped walked up the hall and back in order to return to vertical sooner (hey I can relate). 

Yesterday Ellie's 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Zwart, stopped by for a visit, which really perked Ellie right up.  Plus she brought us the best brownies I've tasted since Grandma Myers's brownies.  Just the right soft/hard brownie texture that is so hard to achieve.  Ms. Zwart insisted that I have some medical professional look at my foot.  And today, finally, I was in enough pain to be motivated to go to the ER.  Ellie's nurses took turns hanging out with her while I went down.  When I got to the ER, I was feeling so badly for leaving Ellie, and wondering if she would have companionship the whole time I was gone, that I started to tear up.  Right then, I heard the fast pitter patter of a Ben running up to say "Hi".  When he saw me crying, he asked why.  I explained that everyone cried in the ER, and I just wanted to get my cry over with right off the bat.  Then when we went into the room, Ben wanted to sit on the bed and snuggle with me, because he is not allowed to do that on Ellie's bed.  The nurse started asking my some standard questions, one of which was whether or not I had a will or a power of attorney.  To which I responded in a panic, "Do you think this tiny toe is gonna kill me???"  Apparently, these are standard questions they ask everyone, even someone with a 4th toe injury.  Everyone who came near the toe, I had the thought, "DON'T TOUCH IT WHATEVER YOU DO!!!"  I was not at all certain that I would be able to remain on speaking terms with anyone who hurt that toe.  I had an x-ray with a huge metal apron covering the baby.  My final diagnosis was, "Contusion of foot, bone bruise, osteochondrial lesions, occult trabecular microfracture."  Sounds fancy, eh?  Basically they suggested I keep off the foot as much as possible, elevated and use ice to reduce the swelling.  But I did not have to have the toe "buddy wrapped" to the next toe.  Which would have involved touching the toe, which like I said, I am totally against right now.  They gave me a special shoe to keep the foot straight and unbending plus crutches to support myself. 

[caption id="attachment_2684" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Oh boy I cannot get enough of these baby pics right now. Can u tell how pregnant I am? 10 weeks from today (give or take)."][/caption]

After we had a surprise visit from Ms. Zwart, Brittany came to visit.  So we had TWO mnft (marvelous nice fantastic and terrific) visits in one day.  Maybe that's why Ellie is doing so much better today, after all the great visitors she has had, how could she not?  Our spectacular neighbor, Lindsey, watched Ben yesterday even though she'd spent the day watching her own 2-year-old, while Thom and I switched hospital shifts.  Today, Esther was somehow able to peel herself away from doting on her husband in honor of father's day to come for a visit.  This was after just returning from a trip to Florida yesterday.  Pretty darn impressive.

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