Thursday, June 17, 2010

Still a mystery...

[caption id="attachment_2672" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="I know you have seen it before but it is the only photo I can find of Brittany..."][/caption]

When Ellie began to awaken after her MRI and placement of the pressure gauge thingy by Dr. Iskandar, I suddenly felt highly emotional, watching her struggle to wake up feeling once again nauseated.  (You know how I feel about nauseated, we are not at all friends at this point.)  I just felt like "She has had ENOUGH ALREADY!!"  I started to tear up over the free family pizza I was ingesting.  I decided if the doctor turned around and saw me crying, I'd just explain that I always cry when I eat pizza because I just love it so much.  Dr. Iskandar came and removed the pressure measuring device this morning and the results were that nothing amiss was discovered.  We also did a chest X-ray last night just to rule out any chest infection (and because we could, they have the machines readily available), which also showed us nothing.  Next we are going to try for a longer EEG to see if she may be having seizures that we are just missing.  Dr. Iskandar (neurosurgeon extraordinaire) said that a 15 minute EEG is not likely to catch seizures, a 24 hour EEG would be more likely to do that.  He seemed a little perturbed that everyone keeps thinking it was his surgery that caused all this trouble because he is quite certain that that is not the case.  He felt that her brain is just set up to see anything as an attack right now, so any little thing could set up all the weird symptoms we are seeing.  His recommendation was to get the dehydration under control.  In a way, it was reassuring to have someone in the hospital be certain of something, whereas everyone else just keeps shrugging and shaking their heads in wonder. 

[caption id="attachment_2675" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Lindsey and Juna."][/caption]

Yesterday evening, brilliant Brittany stopped by for a visit and Ellie suddenly perked up and was able to communicate a little better.  Yeah!  Then, today she was back to the status of barely being able to talk.  Bummer. 

Our rockin friend, Cynthia provided us with lunch yesterday,what a relief to not even have to think about or figure out what to eat!  When I arrived home from an exhausting day at the hospital, with no new answers, I found Ellie's school papers delivered by the school secretary's husband (thank you thank you!!) and a bag of bread from our favorite bread company (yummy) delivered by our wonderful friend, Lainie.  Then our super friend Karly dropped off some groceries for us.  I had the chance to chit chat with our neighbors, Lindsey and Chris who both offered to hang with Ben should we need their assistance.  I was overwhelmed with all the love and support delivered by our community of friends.   

[caption id="attachment_2674" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ben and Betsy"][/caption]

I had the inspiration to e-mail our great friend, Betsy C., who lives in Chicago, to request a visit from her and she came THAT day.  She told me that I have never requested that she come right away, so she knew that things were pretty urgent if that was my request.  Right now she has taken Ben to Sai Bai Thong (our favorite Thai restaurant) for a lunch date while I hang with Ellie in the hospital and Thom is at work.  I am absolutely savoring the quiet of the room right now and the peacefulness of not having toys strewn all over the room.  Whenever Betsy C. comes we all vye for her attention because she is just so fabulous.  I definately feel as if I have shifted from a despairing place to one of hope since seeing her.

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