Thursday, February 18, 2010

Surgery mergery whatever

[caption id="attachment_2359" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ben as a scary lion roaring."]Ben as a scary lion roaring.[/caption]

Ellie is back from her procedure (seriously I can hardly call it "surgery" after Tuesday).  I requested that instead of talking loudly to wake her from sedation that we let her sleep because girlfriend has had one hard week and why not let her rest if she is comfortable? 

If someone loves my children I just immediately have to love them back or at the veryleast think highly of them  for having extremely good taste.  Our friend Lainie, who has 2 children under the age of 5 herself, offered to take Ben for a few hours today.  She coached her children into helping Ben feel comfortable in their house as he was a bit nervous about going on a playdate by himself.  So I just have to say a great big huge thank you to Lainie for not only taking Ben (that's a brave woman right there) but for also bringing donuts and cookies and lemon bars (this baby LOVES lemon!) I mean seriously, that is way above and beyond.  Not only that, but she picked him up so he could ride in a mini-van.

And thank you again to Esther for bringing crayons and a ball and chocolates today for us.  And to Ms. Pettit for staying and tit tatting (talk + chit chatting) with me even though Ellie continued to snooze.

1 comment:

  1. So jilled to hear about all the love going around. No surprise there!


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