Thursday, February 25, 2010


Just a plain old update blog on Ellie, nothing too fancy or entertaining (maybe next time)...

Ellie ran a slight fever yesterday and today and there was a bit of concern that maybe she had an infection.  There was talk of tapping her shunt to make sure it was still functioning last night (that means trying to draw fluids from it from the outside of the head to see if it is still operating).  Today she is super sleepy, unable to stay awake for crayon peeling or a conversation.  We are getting ready to do an MRI, because what the hay, we're here.  In other related news, calcium and potassium are still low, but sodium is back in the normal range (yeah!)  Her heart rate continues to be in the 60s-70s range.  She is not dropping as much fluids as she was yesterday.  Well send another update when we are done w/ MRI and have any word of the results.  Oh, also, just fyi, for those interested (amy) I put a less confusing definition of diabetes insipidus from another website on my previous blog.

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