Saturday, February 27, 2010

How low can you go?

[caption id="attachment_2409" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Could not resist re-running this Ben photo."]Could not resist re-running this Ben photo.  [/caption]

Ellie's salt suddenly dropped down to 125 last night (135-145 normal range).  Thom said they were playing a game called, "How low can the salt go?"  Now she is back up to 147.  Calcium and potassium have started going up for her, but we don't want it to go up too high because that can cause a whole other set of problems (muscle twitching, heart problems, constipation).   She is still extremely tired, barely able to keep her eyes open and complaining of headaches.  I suppose her body is working pretty hard right now to regulate things.  Dr. Iskandar (neurosurgeon) wanted to try to get her up and around and in her pjs as soon as possible.  Sort of reminded me of that scene in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels where one of the guys is yelling at Steve Martin in a wheel chair, to just get up and walk!  Come on, you can do it, just walk!!  Particularly when Ellie can't even keep her eyes open right now.

[caption id="attachment_2410" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Adorable Juna and her mom at our dinosaur party."]Lindsey and Juna last year at dinosaur birthday party.[/caption]

A great big thanks to Lindsey and Gerald and Juna for watching Ben a couple of nights this week so he didn't have to traverse back and forth to the hospital.  Ben loves Juna, their daughter so much that he is hoping our baby will look just like her.  While I agree that would be highly enjoyable because that little Juna is just adorable, I tell Ben that it is more likely that our baby will look like Ellie and/or himself.  A big thanks to Jana for the hot dish, we are super excited to try it, our very first official upper midwest dish!  We've heard rumors of hot dishes but never experienced one ourselves.  Oh and I forgot to thank Cynthia for the visit this week with Ellie and the yummy bagels.  You still rock (I wrote a blog about how she rocks previously.)  And thanks to Brittany for letting me talk about  fluffy pancakes (my favorites) vs. crepe like pancakes (Thom's favorites)  for about 5 minutes and authentically being interested in the topic.  How many friends will do that for you?

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