Friday, February 19, 2010

Just can't leave her alone...

[caption id="attachment_2300" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Ellie smiley in class last year."]Ellie smiley in class last year.[/caption]

Dr. Iskandar would like to go back in for more resection on Tuesday, February 23.  He was not satisfied with the way the MRI looked and is confident he could remove more without any complications.  He felt that last Tuesday allowed him to sort of push the limits to see how far he could go without damage.  He still needs to talk with us to discuss all the details.  Hard to wrap our brains around doing this all again and so soon.

1 comment:

  1. My dearest Kennedys, I was just telling Mark what Dr. Iskandar had said to Debi when Debi asked, "So, how are you feeling about the MRI?" I was wondering what was coming next. I will be checking in with you to see what ways we can help out.

    So much love coming your way from us and all the wonderful people in your lives.


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