Wednesday, February 17, 2010

And here's what the MRI said...

Just looked at the MRI with theneurosurgeon (Dr. Iskandar).  He pulled up the shots on the computer and sort of had this astonished look like, "What the???"  Because it did not look like he had actually spent his entire working day yesterday resecting tumor.  He kept flipping through MRI shots to try to find ONE that would show the work he had accomplished.  He concluded that it could possibly be blood (which typically does not show up on an MRI) and leftover tumor that is on the MRI scan.  Or maybe the bulk that he removed from the tumor just is not showing up in the views on the screen because the screen is 2D instead of 3D (and what the heck is up with 4D ultrasounds?)  Dr. Iskandar mentioned that he could go back in and remove more tumor if necessary because now that he has tested the limits he knows how close he can get to the optic nerve without impacting her eyesight. (which made me go, "What the??")  He confided (don't tell anyone) that Ellie was one of his most complicated cases.  Not sure that was the award I was going for this year, but hey guess you gotta take what you can get.  He recommended we do another MRI in a few months to see if what was showing up was actually blood or still tumor (in which case he might want to go back in for more.) 

Ellie is feeling a bit better.  Not her normal, talkative self, but not complaining of pain as much as she was.  She even suddenly sat up in bed at the prospect of breaking and peeling crayons after her MRI.  Astounded we were at this sudden movement. 

Thank you to brilliant Brittany for the yummy delicious falafel sandwich (my favorite pregnancy sandwich) and for giving me a reading break this evening.  Yes, Brittany, who came every day last time Ellie was in the hospital to visit even though she was working 2 jobs.  She just rocks.


  1. I don't know what to say to this post except that I hope Ellie keeps feeling better.

  2. I must have been sleepy when I read this last time. Hip-hip Hooray for your rockin' Brittany! Ellie invites in sunshine wherever she goes!


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