Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh yeah and here is what the neurosurgeon said...

That sounds like the start of a joke, doesn't it?  So last night the neurosurgeon seemed pleased with how much tumor he was able to remove.  He explained that when the tumors were being removed the cysts that had been getting bigger automatically dissolved on their own.  (Somehow they were formed because of the tumors sort of squeezed things together making little fluid filled pockets if that makes any sense.)  Because he had been more aggressive, he was a bit concerned that he had damaged her eyesight.  There is also a possibility that she will have movement tremors in her body.  It appears that her vision is intact but she has had tremors throughout the night.  I am hoping that these will resolve themselves (no one has said this is the case but I can still dream). 

Right now she is having an MRI for more information on how the surgery went.  Tomorrow she will have another surgical procedure to have her port put in for chemotherapy.  Her calendar is full. 

A couple more big thank yous.  Thank you to Cynthia for being the best blog commenter ever.  And for bringing us a lovely, yummy dinner yesterday and hanging out with us.  Thank you to Chris & Kathy our fabulous neighbors for coming over on Monday night to check in before surgery and for shoveling our sidewalk yesterday (we have the cleanest one on our side of the street now, we may actually win some award.)  To Ellie's teacher, nurse, and principal, thanks for all the support on so many levels you have given us.  To Betsy C. & Amy for their love-filled e-mails over the last couple of days.  I suddenly feel like this is a dedication page or whatever that is called where you thank people who helped you write a back.  I'll keep updating as I get more information.  Love to all of you!


  1. Here's to the tremors resolving themselves. I vote for that!

    I wonder why the Kennedys have so many people to thank...

    BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Your light shines bright.

  2. Wait. You didn't make up any of these details, did you? Hahahahaha! Ha.

    Oh, I hope that was funny.


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