Thursday, February 18, 2010

She's back, well not literally

11-27-2006-07Ellie is doing so much better today.   Right now she is having the port placed, a small surgical procedure (NOT brain surgery, that joke just never gets old for me).  She should be back up any minute.  Before she went down, she told the anesthesiologists that she was feeling marvelice (marvelous + nice).  They told her that they were going to do everything in their power to make her feel comfortable, even turning off the sun if should happen to be shining in her eyes in a bothersome way.  Even though she looks like she was in some big ruckus--swollen eyes, red nose, big bandage on head, lots and lots and lots of tubes emanating from her--she is more back to her jilled self.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Ellie is well rested and totally jilled!


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