Sunday, February 28, 2010

And back to giggles

[caption id="attachment_2419" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ellie on the beach in Florida."][/caption]

Last night Ellie was so loud that we (and when I say "we" I mean Thom who is on night shift and Ellie) were moved at 2:30 am to our own private room!!  So much space I hardly know what to do with  myself and normal talking voices.  It was an exciting night, Ellie's sodium jumped up to 170 (not her all time high which stands at 172, again normal is between 135-145).  

This morning when I came in everything I said and everything Ben did caused Ellie to have the giggles.  Made me feel like I was a comedian.  Now Ellie is sitting on the sofa tit tatting with Brittany and peeling crayons.

1 comment:

  1. Private room, normal talking volume, giggles, tit tatting -- I'm delighted to hear it!

    And thanks for repeating the "normal levels" for things -- because I don't retain those figures.


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