Monday, February 22, 2010

Gearing up for another big (or little) day

[caption id="attachment_2299" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ellie with Izzy besdie her on class fieldtrip."]Ellie with Izzy besdie her on class fieldtrip.[/caption]

Tomorrow is the day (again).  Sort of anti-climactic doing it once a week.  Takes some of the drama out of brain surgery if you do it once a week.  Anyway, heart rate is a bit better today, she is hanging at 65-70 today.  We seem to have stabilized the salt wasting/water dropping giving her back whatever she is dropping.  One of the endocrinologists, Dr. Reid, said that she was pretty confident that all of that is a side effect of surgery and will subside.   We are getting ready for another MRI this afternoon to see how things look after some of the swelling has subsided. 

A big thanks to Leslie and Izzy for visiting yesterday.  It was like a party when they showed up right after Brittany arrived.   We should be going down soon for a scan, so I'd best sign off for now...

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