Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Quite a headache

So apparently 10 hours of brain surgery will give you quite a headache.  And for some strange, as yet unknown reason, a sore nose.  Ellie is pretty uncomfortable today.  Too uncomfortable to smile.  Or laugh.  Or talk.  Not the usual jilled girl that we are all used to and love.  She just seems so vulnerable to me right now.  Brings back memories of all the other times she has been here.  I feel like a mother lion (or Carol Burnett in that episode of Mad About You) wanting desperately to protect my sweet girl but not knowing how.  Sort of that panicky feeling, "I've got to DO something!!"  Or "I changed my mind, I don't want to go through with this!!"  And then writing a blog instead.  Because ultimately, there is nothing to protect her from.  And in the end, I know that Ellie will feel better soon and so will I.

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