Friday, February 19, 2010

More thanks....

[caption id="attachment_2301" align="alignright" width="300" caption="The love between Brittany and Ellie"]The love between Brittany and Ellie[/caption]

Yet another dedication page, because jeez louise we have a lot of fabulous friends!

Thank you to Esther for skipping out of a meeting to be with us and for getting us in good with the anesthesiologists (ha!)  For the delumptious chocolates (helped me survive today when I started to lose that loving feeling.)  And for the huge bag of crayons.  Like I said before, because Esther knows almost my entire family, when she is around, I feel as if my family is that much closer to me in some strange way. 

Thank you to Ms. Pettit, one of Ellie's teachers who stopped by yesterday to see Ellie.  Not only did I have a fabulous time visiting with her (Ellie was still sleeping off 3 days worth of sedation).  I sort of had one of those moments where I could not stop talking and she kept trying to leave the room.  I think maybe at one point she thought I might actually follow her out and keep up the conversation.  One of those, "AAGH I've been alone all day and now I cannot stop talking..."  This is when I imagine other people thinking, "Oh so that's where Ellie gets her talkativeness..."  She also brought 2 boxes of crayons, some of Ellie's favorite school story books, and a Sid the Science kid video (Ellie's favorite show). 

Thank you to Brittany for 3 big boxes of crayons and for her calming, fun presence every day.  Oh and a "chill mix" cd for hospital listening enjoyment.  I feel as hip as the kids listening to it.  That doesn't happen as often as I inch towards 40. 

Thank you to Cynthia for a humoungous box of crayons plus a T-Rex with a jaunty bow for Ben plus walking across a frozen lake to get here.  (What dinosaur could not use a jaunty bow?)

To our wonderful neighbor, linZ for hanging out with Ben this afternoon so Thom could get some rest (it was a long night of not much sleep for him after all that sedation sleep yesterday.) 

Thank you all for your love and support throughout, we can truly feel the love whether you are close by or on another continent. 

Did not talk with Dr. Iskandar the neurosurgeon today so no news on that front.)


  1. What comes around, goes around, eh? Eh is a Canadian thing.

  2. Oh, and thank you for the Blog. I am so glad for the Blogginess (Connectivity).


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