Wednesday, January 12, 2011


 Ellie finally finally settled down at about 3am last night.  She is resting now.  Yesterday morning I was feeling such appreciation for all the wonderful time we've had together.  This morning I feel panicked, "Oh NO!!  I've changed my mind please don't go!!!!"  Yesterday it felt as if Ellie were trapped in a spider web and today it feels as if she is holding on by one string. 

[caption id="attachment_3352" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Appreciation to Betsy C for dropping everything, once again, to come be with us. Here is Betsy with a newborn Ellie."][/caption]


I will continue to share some of the awe-inspiring messages you all have been sending to me via e-mail.  If you are not wanting something shared with the larger blog community please let me know.  Otherwise, I'll consider anything bloggable.  Below is a poem written by one of Ellie's favorite people, Cynthia. 

For Debi & Thom, with Admiration and Love

I have always thought
your daughter
Elisabeth Rose Kennedy
to be one of the wisest beings
I've ever met.

When she was a star in the sky
she chose you
as her parents.
I doubt it gets any wiser than that.

Way to go, Ellie!

Debi & Thom
Mom and Dad
I choose you.
I want to be your daughter,

She lit a spark
in her dad's eye.
Right where I want you.

She became life
in her mom's womb.
Safe and warm.
Just where I need to be.

[caption id="attachment_3353" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ellie on her first Valentine's Day."][/caption]

you traveled around
the circle of life.

Along the way
you gathered family
and attracted friends,
inviting us to experience
the complete and utter
that is The Kennedy Family

Thank you for your lessons
in compassion
and love.
Sweet sweet love.

Always, Cynthia

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