Friday, January 21, 2011


Maya Angelou told Oprah that it is not time that heals all wounds, but what you DO with that time.  Along those lines, we have decided to participate in the first ever Madison Make-A-Wish Walk on Sunday, September 25 (  Since we did not go with a funeral/wake, this would be an opportunity for anyone in the community to join us in celebrating Ellie's life. 

Just wanted to give an update on our fish fund, thus far we have raised $954!!!  That is almost 2 fishes, which as you may or may not know Ellie preferred things in a set.  Ellie's Grandad bought a fish outright and I heard it through the grapevine (my sister) that a Memphis friend did the same through the hospital website.  Geez louise we practically have a school of fish, maybe they'll name the whole wing after Ellie.  We will bring the collected checks to the hospital on February 2 when we are having a reception for Ellie to honor and appreciate the hospital community.  Please note that your check will not be cashed until February 2nd.  (February 2nd is Groundhog day--the day we predicted Ellie would be born mostly because we adore the movie Ground Hog Day.  In typical Ellie fashion, she arrived a week earlier.)  The display at the hospital will not be hung until all the remaining fish are purchased, when we checked there were still over 100 fish left.

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