Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Best Kind of Love

More adult confusion here, this time about how long to wait after eating for sedation.  Surgery may be moved back to 4pm. 

All of the Ellie lessons being sent to me are so fabulous, it is challenging to choose which one to include.  Here is one from Ellie's Grandmama and Grandpa (Thom's parents):
This has been a roller coaster ride I wish that none of us in this family has had to ride.  To have watched this sweet child, who never did anything to anyone but be sweet and creative in her special little world, have so many problems and go through so many "procedures" and surgeries.  But through it all, we have all gained strength to go the next step because of one Thom and one Debi who loved on this child as God loves her.  We could learn their patience and their good attitudes... even if they were added for everyone else's benefit in addition to their own.

Ellie has taught me that creativity can come in word forms.... so far beyond what they rest of us can understand or imagine.  I feel I am a better person to know this sweet angel.

With much love from Ellie's Grandmama and Grandpa,  Nancy and Gene

And a bit more from another e-mail that I am sneaking in...

I was talking with a friend this morning and her comment was how lucky Ellie is to have a mom and dad who love her so much.  I couldn't even speak as I have said many times NO ONE could give as much love to this child as her mommy and daddy are doing.  Ellie may not have been able to experience some of the stuff of other kids, but she has missed nothing.  She got love.... the unconditional Kind.. the best.
I need another box (of tissues).

Please hug her for me.

Love, Nancy

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