Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Surgery kept getting pushed back today until it was canceled for today.  Probably try again in a few days.

This Ellie lesson is from Ellie's stupendous Aunt Sara who personifies grace.

[caption id="attachment_3036" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Sara and my nephew Zach."][/caption]

What a road you and Thom are walking – and yet, the gift is that you live with the peace, clarity and simplicity of lives focused on truly living each day you are given.  Thinking of how much I admire you both, I was reminded of this poem by one of my favorite thinkers.


We travelers, walking to the sun, can't see
Ahead, but looking back the very light
that blinded us shows us the way we came,
Along which blessings now appear, risen
As if from sightlessness to sight, and we,
By blessing brightly lit, keep going toward
That blessed light that yet to us is dark.

Wendell Berry, Sabbaths 1999: VI

Love, tears and respect from Richmond,

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