Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adding Depth

[caption id="attachment_3046" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Snuggled up with my kiddos."][/caption]

Dr. Iskandar, neurosurgeon extraordinaire, just stopped by postoperatively to say that there was lots of scar tissue around Ellie's shunt.  Whether or not this was causing all of her recent issues, time will tell. 


A great big thank you to superb Cynthia for not one, but two visits.  I somehow failed to mention her in a blog after her last visit, very unlike me.  I told her maybe she needed to be more "memorable" for me (ha).  She said that next time she'll come running down the hospital hallway naked screaming, "I'm in my birthday suit because it is someone's birthday somewhere!"  Last night she brought us wonderful Thai food that saved my life when I was hungry and needed to run into the kitchen to grab something quick like while Ellie was once again npo (nothing per oral, fancy medical way of saying you can't eat or drink.)  When Cynthia came by last night, Ellie was also npo.  As she stepped into the room, she started to discuss the food she'd brought and Thom and I were both like, "NO don't say the four letter 'F' word!!!"  (food) 

Here is another Ellie lesson, from our awesome friend, Jennifer.

[caption id="attachment_3045" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Jennifer is sitting in front of the pink curtain."][/caption]

How in the world do I put into words what I have learned from Ellie?!?  It is more a shift in perspective on life in general than an individual “thing” learned.  Not to worry what other people think, to be happy in your own skin, doing your own thing, that might be the biggest one.  To try to have fun and be joyful every moment of the day, no matter where you are or the situation you are in, because wallowing in self pity certainly won’t help anything.  To appreciate every day, to appreciate every person who crosses your path, to just be filled with more gratitude in general.  How she always wants to make others happy by spreading her hugs around -- not many people, kids especially, are selfless like that.  Hearing her talk about the different versions of hugs and the huggle snuggle shop, back in the day when she was really into different kinds of hugs and putting out hug fires.  I have great memories of spending LONG weekend days at your house, hanging out, before I had kids of my own, and I know that I’ll never be able to do that again due to my own family life now, but there are definitely times when I miss spending that kind of time with you and your family.  Being her friend (and being your friend, and your entire family) has added a depth to my life that was not there before and for that I am eternally grateful.

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