Friday, November 19, 2010

A Love Story

Cynthia is on the left side of the photo.
Ellie is doing so much better today cognitively, we are planning on going home tonight!  This poem is written by our grabulous friend, Cynthia.  Grab a box of tissues, its a tearjerker!

For Ellie, in gratitudeWhen I walk down the hallway
I don't look in the other doors
I can't bear it

but my heart
feels a pull
toward your room
and I know that wherever
you are
is one of my homes

That is how you make me feel
my precious Ellie
At home

If I am lucky enough
you are awake
and I can gaze into your dark brown eyes
Oh, those eyes
I can see the whole world

I can't help myself
Once again, I tell you
your eyes are beautiful
and you respond
I have my dad's eyes
We smile at each other

Another time
I am lucky enough
to read you to sleep
You rest
I turn to your dad and say
I love her
He just nods and smiles at me
He knows how true it is
How full of life and love
you make me feel

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