Monday, November 8, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

Ellie continues to sleep, even after a super duper dose of rescue steroids this afternoon.  It suddenly hit me during a conversation with endocrinology that she is sleeping beauty--we just have to figure out how to break this "spell".  Her left lung has started to collapse and the PICU team is monitoring her breathing closely.  The PICU resident told me that any other patient with this level of unresponsiveness he would've intubated (the tube down the throat to help with breathing) a while ago.  The Endocrine team is not totally convinced that her drop in sodium level is causing all the sleeping, they feel that the sodium drop may be a symptom of something bigger going on in the brain.  At the end of this day, we still have as many questions as we did at the beginning.  And now we are coming up on 48 hours straight sleeping.

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