Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sometimes these "spells" are tricky

[caption id="attachment_2954" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ellie at the hospital in Chicago."][/caption]

Ellie did not sleep last night, making up for lost time I suppose.  She is definitely more awake today than yesterday.  She continues to have moments of disorientation and loss of vision.  The neurologist (Dr. Hsu) suggested that because vision is processed in the back of the brain, perhaps the signal is getting interrupted somewhere along the way.  There are vision tests that can test how long it is taking the signal to travel.  We will be doing a full brain MRI (she'll be sedated as it takes 45 minutes to an hour or more) to get a more accurate view of her brain.   Right now Ellie is peeling and breaking crayons in bed.

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