Thursday, November 18, 2010


My sister had shirts made for Thom and I that say "jilled" (joy + filled) one of Ellie's favorite words.  I wore my shirt today and Thom wore his last night.  A gentleman stopped me in the hall today and said, "Hey I saw that shirt yesterday.  What does it mean?" I explained and a huge smile spread across his face as he 'got' the meaning,

When Ellie was missing home yesterday, I asked what she missed the most.  Immediately she told me her 'friends' (teddy bears and dolls).  I declared that I would bring a huge suitcase to the hospital filled with her friends.  I have set them up all over her hospital room.  I was explaining this to a nurse's assistant (NA) when she told me Ellie told her she missed her bookshelf most of all.  Hmmmm that presents more of a challenge.

MRI and EEG performed this afternoon when Ellie was really out of it, both looked good, neither explained her changed mental status.  Even talk of us going home tomorrow.  Hard to imagine with her continually changing grasp of reality.

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