Monday, November 15, 2010

More Ellie Lessons

Ellie is doing so much better today, more lucid than disoriented.  She even started eating again!!  Another tearjerker, watch out (that's a good watch out, as Ellie would say).  This one is from my great Zumba friend, Jen.


My hope for you is that you are inundated by inspirational words from novice authors that upon their delivery, provide you with instant strength to nourish you and your family while you continue on Ellie's journey.  

By your mother's suggestion I was compelled to write to you about "The Life Lessons of Ellie."  As you are well aware, I have never met Ellie in person - I know her through you - her "Inspirnomenal" (Inspirational + phenomenal) mother. There's one of Ellie's life lessons - I will never see the english language the same again. I will continue to see it through "The Eyes of Ellie."

I had this urge to try to fit the word "Little" somewhere between the quotation marks of "The Life Lessons of Ellie."  But when I tried to apply "Little" in between the quotations, I quickly realized that Ellie or anything about her is not little - in fact "Ellie is Epic."  

[caption id="attachment_3006" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Thom's favorite photo of Ellie"][/caption]

Ellie's spirit is Epic.  She is as infectious as laughter - I see her as "The Ellie Movement." Her far extending reach - has even touched the lives of people she has never met - such as myself.  I continually aspire to be a better person because of what Ellie emulates in her life. "Ellie's Optimistic Attitude."  Her life is not to be measured by her young years - but the greatness of which she is living those years, her courage is extraordinary.  When you think about living large with Ellie - it might be sitting down with a large bucket of crayons peeling the wrappers off of every last one of them.  All of a sudden everything in my life gets flipped around - what once was large on my never ending life list - is now small and vice versa.  Thank you Ellie for reminding me of that lesson.

Ellie exemplifies everything that is good in this world. She brings out the goodness in others.  I remember you Debi telling me that you didn't want your family and Ellie's illness to be used as a standard measure that people use in comparison as a reminder of how fortunate they are because of what you've gone through with Ellie.  I see it another way.  I think that your family subliminally challenges all of us to "Measure Up."  To rise up to do better, to be a better person. It is a choice that Ellie and your family makes every day to live your  lives with dignity, gratitude, integrity and the utmost grace.  Where nothing is taken for granted. Where there is appreciation for everything.  To live in the moment - grabbing a hold of that moment - hanging on tight to that same moment - not knowing what that moment may bring.  All done with huge amounts of hope and faith. In other words taking "The Ellie Challenge".  

I believe that Ellie has left an "Indelible Ellie Imprint" on my heart and with out a doubt the hearts of others that have had the fortuitous opportunity to be a part of Ellie's life.  What a gift.  I will be forever changed because of Ellie.

I'm hoping you can feel the abundance of love being sent your way. Know that you are not alone.  Wrap yourself in the good thoughts and feelings of Ellie.


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