Saturday, January 30, 2021

Stepping Up


Something is amiss with Zibbi.  She has had a harder time completing her school work.  When she DOES complete it, it is after hours (or maybe minutes that FEEL like hours) of crying and yelling.  My hypothesis (can't let all those years of studying psychology go to waste!) is that Lotta is moving more firmly into tween-dom, meaning she is not as interested in infinite Barbie play.  She might want to read a book or draw or email a friend.  That leaves Zibbi without her playmate, and maybe without the words to explain why she is feeling badly (or maybe even the understanding).  Anyway, I shared my theory with Thom and Benja.  I encouraged Benja, if he was able, to find a way to play with Zibbi (off screen, as we have SO very much screen time right now).  And, man oh man, did he ever step up.  He finished a book with her, they played a game of chase.  It was amazing.  And I thought, it some ways, it is GREAT for him too, to feel a purpose in this sometimes purposeless feeling time.  What started out as a disconnect between two has become a re-connect with a different set.  

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