Friday, January 22, 2021

Off My Game

Geez louise.  I am off my game today.  I feel foggy and exhausted.  Then every time I try to "help" someone with a relationship kerfuffle or school work (that, by the way, was supposed to be finished yesterday) I am greeted with MUCH yelling and crying.  I tried taking a walk and it is frigidly cold, even by Wisconsin standards. Like make your teeth hurt cold.  This is the day I envisioned all those many months ago when safer at home began.  A day when you just feel blah.   I am glad I will have another chance tomorrow.  Today I am ready to go back to bed.  (Luckily, Benja is making me some Hello Dolly Cake to brighten my somber mood. When he just opened the oven, smoke came pouring out.  That tracks with what is happening today.)

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