Wednesday, January 6, 2021

It's IN the Name for Crying out Loud!

 Lotta has been bored bored bored bored with breakfast.  We have tried a variety of options to remedy the situation, nothing seems to stick.  Finally, she requested the world's best scones, available from Lazy Jane's.  For some odd reason, they are currently closed Tuesday and Wednesday.  Previously they were closed Mondays.  It almost feels as if they are closed just whatever random day they want (they aren't called "Lazy" for nothing).  Benja and I made a plan to walk to Lazy Jane's on Christmas Eve.  The night before, Thom and I looked up the hours.  Unfortunately, they had not posted in Facebook since last summer (again, I will refer you to their name).  So, Benja and I set off in the freezing cold.  Let me clarify that I am saying freezing, as in Wisconsin freezing, as in your hands are STILL cold with gloves on.  As we walked past Batch, the french bakery on the way to Lazy Jane's, there was a line out the door and around the block.  I began to have a sinking feeling in my stomach.  "What if Lazy Jane's was closed? " I wondered. We arrived and a notice on the door said that they were closed the two weeks of winter break.  Ugh.  So what the heck did we expect really?  On the walk home, I worried how very disappointed everyone would be when we arrived home empty handed.  I decided I would be more upset than anyone else, just to see how that would play out.  I imagined throwing myself on the floor, rolling around and sobbing for those missed, delicious pastries.  And STRANGELY, against all odds, it worked!  I mean there was disappointment.  But no one even came near to my level of disappointment.  Lesson learned.  Not sure what lesson, but still.    

Then today I had a big hankering for a Korova cookie (it's a delicious little dark chocolate cookie with just a sprinkling of salt on top from Batch Bakery).  I decided I would take a walk up there and get myself one of those delectable treats.  I bundled up, grabbed my mask and began walking.  When alas, I arrived, a large sign was on the door proclaiming that this time THEY were on winter break until January 15th.  Sigh.  

As I was typing this blog, our nation's Capitol was stormed, in an attempt to prevent the certification of our electoral college.  It was extremely distressing to see representatives cowering in fear as men with guns forced their way into the Capitol.  I wondered how in the world I could share a blog about pastries for crying out loud when all of THAT was happening.  After texting with my friend, Tracy, I realized, that TODAY more than ever is a day when we need the comfort that, sometimes, only a pastry can bring.  As my amazing sister has often inquired in times of stress, "Can you get yourself to a pound cake?"  And also, isn't it a sign of our time that we must somehow face our daily tasks/struggles even amidst a coup attempt AND pandemic AND racial injustice AND economic downturn??  Fortunately for ME, my mother shared some absolutely delicious cookies sent by my brother Kip, who appreciates the importance of a good cookie (as illustrated by an incredibly heated cookie contest held for Ellie's After Party).  And boy howdy did I ever enjoy a cookie after dinner.  Until I didn't because I had enjoyed it TOO much and at that point decided I would never again need to eat.  But as they say, it is another day and I can not stop reliving the deliciousness of that cookie.  I may soon, re enact my cookie monster impression.  

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