Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Early Morning Ramblings

Early last Saturday morning, Zibbi awoke at 5:30 am.  Way way too early for a Saturday (unless you are a farmer, and THANK YOU for your service to our food chain.)  I suggested since she couldn't go back to sleep she just stay awake and play or read.  She disappeared from my view, and utterly shocked at the success of that strategy, I attempted to go back to sleep. (Going back to sleep, NOT my strength).  Then, maybe 10 minutes later, I hear Zibbi's alarm clock going off.  Which of course forced ME back awake.  I once again attempted the feat of resuming sleep.  About 10 minutes later, Zibbi's alarm again went off.  Again, I sighed heavily and re-attempted sleep.  About 10 minutes later, we re-enact the scenario.  This went on for I don't even know how long.  It was when I discovered the great life lesson that the only thing worse than having to wake up early on a Saturday is being woken up repeatedly on a Saturday.  Later, when I told this story to Benja, Zibbi explained, that she didn't want to wake me up by turning the light on.  So, she had attempted to use the light from her clock, which caused all the noise.  She was in fact, trying to be thoughtful.  We decided maybe next time it would make more sense to turn on a light.  

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