Thursday, October 29, 2020

Blizzards in April

One day in late April, I met a group of mom friends at a coffee shop.  Outside, the snow was briskly falling (some might even call it blizzard like).  It was late April.  One of my friends had to keep her back to the windows because she was so angry at the spring snow, she couldn't even look at the weather.  Reading the room, it didn't seem the right time to mention how much I was enjoying watching the snow fall so furiously.  That's why I have been reluctant to write this blog.  It feels like so many are struggling with joblessness, illness, racism, just the overall uncertainty of the future.  There IS so much to be afraid/frustrated/annoyed/enraged/fearful about right now.  However, I must admit, there are these bubbles where I just feel the pure bliss of being alive.  It reminds me of how during grief, when suddenly I would be struck with how blue the sky was, along with an overwhelming feeling of how very lucky I was to be alive on a gorgeous day.  

Right now, I love how time has slowed waay down.  Now I can take the time to sit and watch an afternoon show with my kiddos.  I spend time devouring a good book with the girls (Harry Potter right now).  I look them in the eyes when they talk, rather than trying to multi-task (not always, but I attempt.)  I love the creativity of finding ways to stay engaged.  Lotta right now is using her room as a collage, hanging pictures of things she loves everywhere.  Zibbi has rediscovered her stickers color by number book (similar to color by number, but with stickers rather than coloring in).  Lotta is rewriting a story she began in 3rd grade.  Benja spends hours drawing maps and flags.  I like how during this time I make sure every day to give Lotta and Zibbi and Thom a huge hug in the morning (which would be much more rushed as they head out to school).  (Benja is excluded due to the screaming that erupts when he is hugged.)  I love that feeling of how tight we all are right now as a family, knowing we are here for each other.  No more FOMO (fear of missing out), because what are we going to miss out? I love that there are so many ways to stay connected with those outside of my home, zoom, text, email, even an actual phone call if desperate.  I think I will actually miss this sense of everyday connection and leisurely tempo the most when Covid-19 is over.  

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