Saturday, October 17, 2020

Leaning Towards Fun


This morning I heard scurrying around at early o'clock.  Last time I checked it was Saturday, and there was no need to even consider waking up at early o'clock.   I struggled to sleep even with background noises of continual giggling.  Finally, I couldn't take it any more and I emerged from my cozy cozy bed.  As I walked past Zibbi's bedroom, both girls were snuggled up together barely visible under blankets giggling.  When they saw me, Zibbi piped up, "Oh, hi mom!"  Then they proceeded to reenact the morning they'd had thus far.  They had taken turn being spies, crawling across my bedroom floor to check and see if I was yet awake.  Sometimes during this strange dystopian feeling time, I worry that by the time this is finished, the girls will have missed childhood milestones.  I wonder if Lotta will even be interested in playgrounds once this is through.  I worry that maybe they are missing out on all of our usual fun times--going to parties, day trips to museums, trick or treating, movies at movie theaters, theater in general, after school play dates.  Then, they do something like this morning which just seems so lighthearted and frivolous, so spontaneously created, that I wonder why I worried at all.  Like a plant leaning towards sunlight, they always seem to find a way to lean towards the fun.  

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