Wednesday, October 7, 2020



Dear Mother, I am writing this letter to you as a way to show my gratitude for everything you do. Now, besides the fact that you gave me life, I would also like to commend you on how much you do for me now. I appreciate not only how you have the kindness to generously feed and house me in such comfortable accommodations, but how you also enable and encourage me to do my best in everything I attempt to do, even when I fail. I also must thank you for listening to not only me, but also my sisters so that we may have some voice in the household’s decisions, the less strict guidelines have allowed us to flourish and explore responsibility on our own. Also, I cannot deny that you are one of the kindest people I have ever met, and you have encouraged me to be the kindest I can be. Thank you for all the opportunities and kindness you provide. I shall leave by saying the final thing you have encouraged me to do, is to get a doctorate when I finally join a university :D. Cheers, Benja

Yours truly,

Benjamin Thomas III Wolf Kennedy I  

Above was an email that was read to me yesterday, I am probably NOT supposed to share it with you, so keep it on the down low please.  Also, he really wanted numbers in his name, which is why there are random ones inserted in his signature.  Overall, I think it's a reminder how the little things we do each day can impact someone unknowingly.  Then, later in the day, I received this text...

"Mother I am purchasing something and you shall not question it nor my intentions.  Realise this mother, I gave you a gratitude card today, it can be easily rescinded."  

Boy, oh boy, does he ever have a firm understanding of my sense of humor.  

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