Friday, October 9, 2020

Request Denied

So that you don't think I have become COMPLETELY unhinged (just partially, as much as everyone else), I MAY have posted this story before.  I wanted to acknowledge my possible error before you notice.  For some reason, this story came to my mind the other day and I wanted to share it here.   

When Benja was in Middle School, he would have orchestra concerts throughout the year.  The auditorium was always HOT and the seating was always uncomfortable.  Before the performance, the principal requested that applause be held until AFTER all the music had been played for each grade.  In order to acknowledge that we'd heard, the entire audience broke into applause.  Which gave me uncontrolled giggles, because in my mind, I felt like the applause was an indicator of "request denied" because he had JUST asked us NOT to applaud. Applauding parents is a challenging if impossible wave to contain.   

This is way funnier in my head than in this post.  So it is possible that my humor is broke.  

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