Friday, January 6, 2012

Sleepy and Pee-pee

[caption id="attachment_4418" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Lotta smiling while I am awake."][/caption]

It was 11 pm and Lotta was still going strong.  She had had a moment of seeming sleepiness but then somehow had re-awoken, more awake than ever.  I call that teasing me.  With Ben on winter break, all of our schedules are a bit out of whack.  I took her into the bedroom, turned off all lights except for the little lights above the bed.  Then I lay down.  Quickly my eyes began to close as Lotta took her jewelry box and continued to play with her necklaces and bracelets (you would be surprised how loud this activity is when you are trying to sleep).  At one point, she slid herself out of bed and out the bedroom door.  When she found the house dark, she quickly brought herself back into the bedroom.  A previous evening, she had gotten out of bed and found Ben asleep in his room, she woke him up "asking" him about some of his stuffed animals.  But last night all was quiet and dark, no Ben to entertain her.  Back in bed, every few minutes she would put her little face right up against mine and smile a BIG smile to awaken me.  Hard to stay grumpy at that much cute that close up.

While I find our old home charming, Ben finds our old home spoooky.  Yesterday, Ben decided he wants to start a blog.  We were discussing what makes a "good" blog (I do realize this is a matter of taste).  We were eating dinner at the time and Ben was really really squirmy, you know the kind of squirmy where you are trying to hold the pee pee inside and it is wiggling to get out.  I requested, firmly, that Ben go potty before there was an accident.  He told me he was afraid to go by himself.   "Hey, this would be something to overcome and then you could blog about it!" I enthusiastically suggested.  Off he raced to the bathroom.  Immediately following dinner he wrote his blog.  Surprisingly, not about using the bathroom but instead about our trip to a coffee shop earlier.

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