Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Santa Magic

[caption id="attachment_4406" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ben with his favorite present--a dragon lego set!"][/caption]

We went out to brunch yesterday at one of our favorite restaurants, Manna Cafe.  As Lotta and I were retrieving water, she suddenly said, "Hoo hoo hoo" her baby sign for Santa.  I looked up to see what she was referring to and there was a large-ish man, with a long white beard.  Then this Santa-like man just happened to sit behind us, so Lotta continually to turned around, pointing and repeating his name.  Fortunately, the man was a good sport and said, "Hey what's Santa doing here?  I thought Christmas was last week?"

Ben is still super excited about Santa.  He wants

[caption id="attachment_4407" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Lotta with Kermit and Elmo on Christmas morning."][/caption]

to continue to believe in amongst all the skepticism of his classmates.  He has explained several times that how would it be possible for parents to buy that many presents or stay up that late?  He is hanging on by a thread.  Sort of like his front tooth, which continually moves around every single time he talks, it is so loose.  He does not want to yank the sucker out, even though it seems quite apparent that its time has come.  He is desperately hanging on to both his  Santa belief and that baby tooth.  We'll see which one lasts longer.


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