Sunday, December 6, 2020

The more exclamation points, the better!!!

 Cursive writing is no longer taught in our school district.  I am not entirely clear on how one learns to sign one's name in this environment.  Benja somehow knows how to sign his name.  Zibbi recently became interested in learning cursive herself.  Maybe all those documents that might suddenly need to be signed. She was also concerned if someone suddenly needed her autograph, she did not want to be caught unprepared.

After practicing her name, Zibbi decided to write just a casual letter to Santa.  NOT one where she would request anything, just an opportunity to let him know she was thinking about HIM.  Since, as you know, he is always thinking about her.  More an opportunity to just get to know one another better.  The letter says, "Dear Santa, I just learned how to do my signature! I will show you!  Zibbi Kennedy.  Here it is!  Lotta is learning it to!  She is doing really well! Love, Zibbi"  I think she really wanted to show her enthusiasm with her exclamation points.  

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