Monday, December 7, 2020

Gnome on the Roam


A few years ago, Gnome on the Roam began appearing around our home.  Gnome on the Roam is like Elf on the Shelf, but less creepy (in our opinion).  Gnome often hides and leaves a poem with clues where he is.  Sometimes he offers sage advice, perhaps about getting along with one another or picking up after oneself.  Occasionally, Gnome will leave worksheets or an art project or scavenger hunt.  He is a bit of a poet, as his notes always rhyme.  Once when we were in St. Louis, a cousin of Gnome on the Roam was discovered in a van compartment hiding!  His cousin, named Carlos, doesn't come out as often to play.  Every night since the holiday decor went up, Zibbi has needed to stop reading early, so that she can have a few minutes to discuss Gnomie.  Where we think he might hide, or if he might leave something to do.  Rumor has it he has a direct link to Santa Clause (whom Zibbi has decided she wishes was her dad, because then she'd have access to toys toys toys ALL the time.  It makes me feel overly full to even write that sentence).  One morning after Gnome was located playing balls, Zibbi wrapped him in a blanket and had a long conversation with him.  But my eavesdropping was NOT super successful because I cannot report what Zibbi discussed.  She was mumbling a bit and it is nearly impossible to be stealthy AND ask the person being spied upon to please enunciate.  I think the point is, they are tight right now those two.  

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