Monday, December 21, 2020



This weekend, Lotta diligently worked on gifts for a couple of friends.  For one, she worked to make a selection of rainbow colored play dough.   After she had assembled all the dough, placed them in containers, placed bows on the containers, then found a "gift bag", plus created a card that we all signed, the whole kit and caboodle was placed on the kitchen table.  In my mind, a very dangerous location, indeed, as many many things spill every day of the year.  As a matter of fact, I repeatedly wipe down this table to return moments later to find it once again covered in muck.  With this in mind, I moved the gift to the safer kitchen counter locale.  Lotta arrived in the kitchen, exasperated, and moved the bag back to the table.  I explained my (legitimate in my mind) concern.  Lotta grudgingly agreed, then stomped the bag over to the counter, exclaiming, "I'd just better not find this whole thing LOST later."  I mean, how do you find something lost?? Secondly, does she NOT realize yet that I am a middle child and this is ONLY an invitation for me to hide the bag??  Upon retelling this story to Benja, he hid it in the kitchen cabinet.  Technically, he too is a middle child.  Or maybe I have just taught him well.  

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