Thursday, December 17, 2020

Finding the Fun

A few years ago, my brother Kip, came to visit during a big winter storm.  When we walked outstide, we were surrounded by that lovely muffled snowy quiet that occurs only after or during a big snow.  We looked up and there was a couple cross country skiing down the street.  Kip was amazed at the resiliency of Madisonians, finding a way to ski even when the roads were becoming too slippery to drive upon.  Our street used to flood regularly before the weather drains were changed in the streets and the kids in the neighborhood would run to the flooded parts to swim and splash and play.  Yesterday, we went sledding.  There is a superb sledding hill, right on Lake Monona where everyone goes.  We went last Sunday after we had around 6 inches of snow Friday/Saturday.  On our way there, it was a parade of snow people.  Including, one that looked as if he ha fallen over with his feet up.  I love the attitude of transforming something that could be challenging into fun.  I think that is what children in particular are SO good at.  AND why it takes Zibbi SO long to brush her teeth, as she is constantly finding things to play with, or things that might be more entertaining than tooth brushing to occupy her.  Maybe this thought will help give me patience tonight.  

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