Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Agent Longfork at your Service

My day started by discovering a teeny tiny arm, alone on the living room rug, unattached to a figure.  Strange, I thought, I wonder what happened last night.  I suspect, once again, those marauding Barbies.

Then, as I was getting ready to make sausages for Lotta this morning, I thought how this rather larger fork we have in our drawer would do a fine job of turning them in the pan.  Thom came in to help out, and I told him my theory.  Explaining that "Longfork volunteered for the job of sausage flipping this morning."  I feel like I am really getting a sense of why Tom Hanks befriended a volley ball when he was stranded on a desert island.  

As I walked to book pick up this morning, I dragged a small suitcase, as I have discovered carrying all the books in a backpack i

s not great for the back and neck.  Now the librarian says she hears my suitcase rolling across the sidewalk and knows when I am arriving.  Win win.  Although a bus did stop for me, misinterpreting my suitcase accessory as a need for a ride to the airport.  

When I returned home, it was immediately time to begin preparing for lunch, as Lotta was hungry.  You do NOT want Lotta to get too too hungry, as it turns into crazy town.  Quickly.  THAT is one town you do not want to visit.  As I began to prepare, Zibbi was working on math story problems (although math in the past has been her favorite subject, story problems are not her preferred math, she's informed me).  We were talking through the story problem, as I made lunch (which included an expired Trader Joe's soup, don't tell, it was in a jar, not a fresh batch.  I DO realize now is not the time to test out my theories on expiration dates.)  Benja materialized and began telling me something about an atrocity committed by Hitler at the exact same time that Lotta ran into the kitchen to tell me something.  Leaving me with THREE people talking at me at the same time.  I then, asked everyone to let Zibbi finish her question.  Zibbi decided this would be a good time to have a looong dramatic pause before continuing, much to the chagrin of her awaiting siblings.  

These are the days I sleep really well.  Or not because my brain is on overload.

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