Monday, November 16, 2020

Spiders, Spiders, Centipedes

WAAAY back on Halloween, Zibbi spotted a creepy, hairy, monstrous centipede in the bathtub.  Of course she screamed.  You wouldn't expect anything less would you?  I quickly said, "Wow, it's good that we spotted him on Halloween, because he really goes with the theme."  (He was male, I don't know how I knew this but I did.)  Zibbi stopped freaking out and nodded, agreeing that yes, this was a bit of good luck.  I was utterly amazed that this tactic had worked.  It was not however, a total success, as everyone has since switched to showers and the tub remains discarded as an unused commodity (our tub and shower stall are in a loong bathroom and are separate entities, living in an older home, these type of quirks are common).  Basically, the aqua blue tub is now a tomb for insects.   (Did I mention it is aqua? So is the square toilet AND there used to be a landline phone hanging beside the toilet.  I know, there's a lot to be jealous of here)  

Last night, Zibbi and I were peacefully snuggled in bed reading . 

When suddenly she began screaming and running simultaneously.  I was so shocked and completely unaware of what was happening, that my body of its own accord, also began screaming and jumping out of bed.  Zibbi continued to scream as we ascertained what she was saying, "There's a spider!! There's a spider!!"  Thom (who is OF COURSE in charge of insect removal) came into the room to investigate.  Unfortunately/fortunately, the spider was never located, I suspect it had the same reaction I did, to run and scream.  AND I didn't have any holidays to associate this spider with.  It took a LOT of convincing, snuggles from her big sister, and the promise of extra reading time to get her back into bed.   

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