Saturday, November 21, 2020

Good Morning!

Most mornings I wait until everyone is on their 8:30 zoom before I start getting ready myself.  This means I usually have at least half an hour before anyone needs me.  Today, for some reason, perhaps I was running more slowly than usual, but as I was getting into the shower, Zibbi emerged to request spelling assistance.  She was throwing me softballs like, "How do you spell x-ray?"  I was a bit perplexed by the question because she'd just explained she was working on a project about her Christmas plans.  Mysterious.  
Then in the middle of my shower, Lotta rushes in requesting, "What is the word that describes two animals that are very smiliar?"  And I said, "You mean like the same species?"  And she sighed loudly and said, "NO!"  And she asked me again, louder this time.  My mind is a blank, as I was not expecting a mental test during my showering.  Finally, after some tense moments of waiting, Lotta storms out of the bathroom.  When I emerge from my shower, I googled the question.  (Benja hates it when I say, "google search", he says that is redundant.  So of course, I use that as often as possible around HIM.  I won't torture you that way.)  No luck.  When I emerged downstairs fully dressed, I asked Lotta if she'd figured out the word.  She explained that it had come to her when she asked her dad.  The win goes to Thom.  This time.  

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