Saturday, November 28, 2020


 Last year around this time, we went to the movie theater to see Frozen 2.  It seems inconceivable that it was only a year ago, so much is different now.  Zibbi re-watched Frozen 2 this Thanksgiving Break.  During the movie, the character Anna announces, "No one is good with family games, it is a fact."  Thom printed family games he found on the internet for our Thanksgiving Holiday this year.  The first one was presented after the three hour Macy's day "parade" (which Benja declared one long commercial, the females persisted, watching for the Broadway and song content).  The game was incredibly complicated and Zibbi ended up crying and storming from the table, devastated at a perceived "failure".  The second game, 100 Things, occurred after our feast.  Each card contained 6 items that the other players had to guess, if the guessers guessed wrong, the clue provider would go back through and try again.  The guessers are NOT supposed to know it they guessed correctly until the end of the turn.  Zibbi's turn took maybe 20 minutes, so it was a slow start.  Zibbi convinced us that SHE should in fact go first as the "youngest available Kennedy" or "YAK" (as opposed to the "OAK" or "oldest available Kennedy", a term we adapted from The Penderwicks series, our summer read).  By the time it was Benja's turn, I was thinking of my waning energy and the kitchen that still needed to be cleaned.  At one point, we guessed Benja's item, and he responded automatically with, so "93" is your answer?  Without looking at the card with the items and the numbers, letting the rest of us know that we had indeed guessed correctly.  I know this story was incredibly convoluted, I feel as the reader you are really getting a feel for these games through my storytelling (you're welcome).  It reminded me of how last year during Christmas present opening, trying to keep the whole thing moving along (you don't want to lose your crowd), I pointed to a wrapped package and asked Benja to please open his book.  Oops.  Typically being the holiday planner, I want to make clear how much I appreciate Thom taking the lead on the ICGs (Incredibly Complicated Games).  Overwhelmingly, the ICGs were listed as the best part of Thanksgiving this year.  

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