Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Medical Emergency!

Last year, when Benja was actually attending in person high school, he left his lunch box at home.  He has an hour for lunch and he is allowed to leave campus, so I assumed he would realize his error, and return home to retrieve his lunch.  You know what they say about assuming. At around 12:40, I suddenly received an urgent text from Benja explaining that he had just given himself insulin, then realized he did not in fact have any food to ingest.  So, I questioned whether he could just race home and grab his food (as I had originally planned for his error.) He said, alas, no his class started at 1, so he would not have time.  So.....I told him he should NOT go to class because continuing on with your life after you've given yourself insulin is not a great look for anyone.  I suggested he NOT go to class but instead go to the nurse's office and explain the situation.  In the meantime, I became the one racing to the school (in my mind this whole scenario had been MUCH more relaxing for me).  I arrived at the security station, because gone are the days where you can just wander through the high school unannounced.  I tried to quickly and succinctly alert the security guard of the growing emergency situation that was occurring within the walls of the school building.  The guard discovered that Benja actually had GYM after lunch.  The worst possible class to have after you've taken insulin and NOT eaten!!  As she announced this to me, I became even more insistent (some might say "frantic", but that in mind is going too far) that this was a growing and urgent medical situation.  Finally, the guard told me, "Mam, my (fill in a relative here) has diabetes, I UNDERSTAND."  Finally, after numerous phone calls and walkie talkie discussions, Benja waltzed into the security station, grabbed his lunch, said, "Thanks mom," and sauntered out.  Really made my entire performance seem unnecessary and overly dramatic.  

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