Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Thoughts on Election Day 2020

 Today is Election Day.  The day we have been waiting anxiously for as we have watched our current president undermine and dismantle our sense of security, our relationships around the world, committing heinous acts again and again in the name of all of us.  I recall how 4 years ago, when I went to the polls, I was struck by the palpable excitement in the air.  At that time, we thought we were going to elect our first female president.  Alas, as the night wore on, it became clear that no, instead we elected our worst citizen.  One who would incite violence in others, encourage police to utilize force, accidentally admit to assaulting women, utilize his position to make money for his own business interests.  Then, during a pandemic he knew was deadly, he not only discouraged taking any action to stop the spread, but actively opposed doing things like not meeting in large groups and wearing masks.  The White House has essentially said they have given up on trying to curb the spread.  They instead will wait for a vaccine.  The president keeps saying that we are "rounding the corner" on this thing when now we are up to 100,000 cases with 1,000 deaths a DAY right now.  With all of that happening, Trump is saying he may not accept the election results.  Asking his supporters to arrive at polling places to intimidate voters.  The anxiety and disbelief that we find ourselves in this situation is confuzzling.  We thought we had safety precautions in place to prevent this kind of leadership from overtaking.  We may not know for several more days or even weeks the results of this election.  We can hope that it will be in a direction that will benefit the people of America.  Now when I hear other countries in conflict, I wonder about the PEOPLE there, I ponder if they too are just wanting desperately to feel safe, to be able to raise their children in a country they feel proud of.  So I guess in a way I feel more empathy and understanding that what a country does does NOT in fact reflect what its citizens may want.  It only reflects what the most powerful want.  It also feels mind blowing that this never even occurred to me before.  What a very different perspective we are gaining from this horrifying experience.  

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