Friday, December 7, 2018

Strengths Focus

The day Thom left for his recent business trip, I decided we would implement a strengths finding program during.  (As recommended in the book, "The Strengths Switch" by Lea Waters, PhD.)  The idea is to identify and write down any strengths you see a family member exhibiting in order to encourage more use of strengths.  I went to Dollar Tree and after MUCH debate and texting with my friend Jennifer, I purchased a clip board for each child with "computer paper".  I like that it's called "computer paper", it makes me want to take it home and try to stick it in my laptop.  Anyway.  When the girls arrived home from school, I explained what we were going to do.  Basically, we were going to try to catch other family members using his/her strength, forcing us to think about what we LIKED rather than what we didn't.  The conversation ended with Zibbi smacking Lotta across the face and Lotta retaliating with a swift kick.  As Thom proclaimed when I described the scene, "NO, not THAT kind of strength!!"

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