Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Eyes on Word Choice

A few days ago, Zibbi noticed the moon out during the day.  She proclaimed that her eyesight is so fantastic she can even see the moon during the day.  She explained that she'd had an eye test during school.  Now she can see the moon during the day.  Apparently this is a side effect of school eye exams.  Who knew?

Benja was telling a story at the table, and he used the word "brang".  Lotta corrected him by saying, no, it's bringed.  I chimed in, to say that no, it's actually brought.  They both looked at me like I was crazy.  Brought.  Who came up with that crazy word?  Very soon after, again at the table Zibbi used the word lightened.  And Lotta once again corrected her with the word, "lit ened".  I again suggested an all together different word  "lit" and was met with a look of exasperation by all.  The English language is hard to explain.  Good thing I have Alexi and/or Siri to back me up. 

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