Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The mysterious mail carrier...

Lotta told me recently that she used to think the mail carrier was like Santa Claus.  He was not supposed to be seen by anyone, so would sneak around the neighborhood delivering mail only when no one was watching.  I told her at one point we had a super friendly mail carrier.  I would often chat with him while waiting at the bus stop.  One day after Ellie died, I was curious if he knew, by the mail we were receiving at the time, if he knew about Ellie's death.  I ended up telling him how she'd died recently, and how it was 13 days away from her birthday.  He stopped, shocked.  He told me that his daughter had the exact same birth day.  I could tell it really shook him up, made him feel vulnerable for his own family.  Soon after, his route was switched.  And I wondered if he'd requested a switch because he couldn't handle that kind of vulnerability.  I know the world doesn't actually revolve around me...Luckily, maybe a year later, I ran into him when I was walking around town.  We were both equally excited to see one another once more.  I was startled when he even leaned in for a hug.  He explained that he'd been reassigned another route, that he missed his old one.  And I of course, told him, we missed him too.  I just think it's so magical when you actually get closure on something and you don't have to just keep wondering what happened or making up your own endings.

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